My dad found and framed some old family photos. A trip down memory lane
Grandma and granddad on their wedding day
(left to right) Uncle Charles, aunty Stella, Grandad with aunty Uju on his knee, Grandma, uncle and dad. Before the twins were born
Uncle Charles (dad's eldest brother) |
Aunty Stella |
Uncle Ernest
Dad!!!!!!! |
Aunty Uju
The twins (aunty Maureen and Miriam)
Fast forward a few years.........
Granddad and Aunty Miriam
Granddad and Aunty Miriam
(Left to right) My dad, me and aunty Stella
(Left to right) aunty Uju, uncle Justin (aunty Uju's husband) me, aunty Stella and my brother Andrew
Aunty Miriam (one of the twins) and my brother Andrew
(left to right) Uncle Charles, me, my mom, Chidera (uncle Charles daughter), aunty Stella, my brother Andrew and aunty Uju
Cousin Chidera. Chidera is 4 years old
Cousin Chidera with her dad uncle Charles in the background
My brother Andrew and our cousin Chidera
Chidera combing my brothers hair (ouch!!)
(left to right) Andrew, aunty Maureen (the other twin), Chidera and me and one of our four chickens at dads house.
(Left to right) me, mom, cousin Adaeze (daughter of my dads second brother), Andrew, aunty Maureen and dad
Me, my brother and cousin Adaeze. Adaeze is 5 years old